SD Ceilings stretch ceilings systems company
SD CEILINGS LLC (Commercial license No. 875309) offers any capable individual (hereinafter referred to as the «User») to conclude a contract for the provision of information and consulting services on the following conditions.

This document is an official user agreement of SD CEILINGS LLC.

If the conditions set out below are accepted and the first part of the payment is made, the person who accepts this offer becomes the User.

This Agreement may be changed and / or supplemented by the Contractor unilaterally. The current version of the User Agreement is located on the Internet at:
Terms used by the Parties in this Contract:

«Object of implementation» - training course «Stretch ceilings business course».
«User» - any legally capable person who has paid the full cost in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Contract and the selected Package of Services.
«Contractor» - SD CEILINGS LLC (Commercial license No. 875309), address for correspondence:
«Website» - a set of programs for electronic computers and other information contained in an information system, access to which is provided via the Internet at network addresses


1.1. The subject of this Agreement is the paid provision of information and consulting services to the User by conducting a training course «Stretch ceilings business course» in the format of online lessons, text, graphic, audio, video and other information materials. Additionally, one or more Training sessions can be held in the form of consulting seminars (including through video conferencing (webinars), trainings, lectures, practical classes, etc.).

1.2. The information and consulting services provided by the Contractor are not educational services subject to mandatory licensing. The provision of services is not accompanied by the final certification and the issuance of documents (diplomas) on the received education.

1.3. The Contractor provides the User with access to Textbooks, which may be text, graphic, video and other materials (books, sound recordings and (or) video recordings of lectures).

1.4. The Contractor does not grant the User the right to create more than one copy of the Textbooks on a tangible medium. Copies of Textbooks obtained in this way can be used by the User exclusively for personal use. Materials in a different format (video lessons, audio recordings, etc.) are not allowed to be copied. Their subsequent distribution in any way to other persons on paid and gratuitous transactions is not allowed.

1.5. Individual Training courses have a modular structure, where each subsequent Training session (or information materials-Training Manuals) is provided only after studying the previous Training Manuals (attending Training Sessions). A modular training course is considered to be provided to the Customer when providing access to the first Training Session.


2.1. The provision of information and consulting services to the User is paid. The price is indicated in the «Plans» section on the page at
The cost of Services is not subject to VAT in connection with the application of the patent taxation system by the Contractor.

2.2. The User chooses one of three training options, the content, terms and cost of which are reflected in the «Plans» section:
2.2.1. The «Video Lessons» package;
2.2.2. The «Video + Box» package;
2.2.3. The «Fast Business» package.

2.3. The date of payment is the date of receipt of funds to the Contractor's current account.

2.4. Payment may be made by a third party in the manner provided for in clause 2.2 of the Agreement. In this case, the User is obliged to provide the Contractor with a letter drawn up by the Payer stating that the payment is made for the User and on his behalf.

2.5. The User independently monitors the change of the Contractor's details specified in this Public User Agreement and is responsible for the correctness of the payments made by him.

2.6. The User is not allowed to attend a Training course or a Training session until it is fully paid.

2.7. If there are no comments from the User within 3 (three) days after the last lesson of the Training Course or after the Training Session, the services in accordance with this Agreement are considered to have been properly rendered. If the Training course provides only for the provision of training manuals, the services are considered rendered from the moment of granting access to the personal account, or sending Training Manuals.


3.1. In order to receive information and consulting services, the User must fill out the registration form on the Internet page at by providing reliable and complete information about yourself.

3.2. After performing the actions specified in clause 3.1 of the Agreement, the User must pass a number of authentication procedures, namely: confirm their registration by activating the account through a message sent by the Contractor to the User's email address.

3.3. Next, the User must pay for the services (the Package chosen by him) in accordance with the procedure provided for in section 2 of the Agreement.

3.4. On the day of payment for the services by the User, the Contractor provides him with access to information and consulting services (training program/course) by transferring the login and password from the Personal Account to him. From the moment of obtaining access to the training program/course in the Personal Account, the User is considered a student of the Performer.

3.5. Access to information and consulting services is provided to the User for a period determined by the Service Package selected by the User.

3.6. If the User does not have time to complete the course within the prescribed period, he has the right to request from the Contractor the opportunity to extend access to the personal account. Upon receiving approval and making a payment, the User's access is extended for a specified period.


4. 1. The Contractor is obliged to:

4.1.1. Provide the User with access to a personal Personal account on the website and create all the necessary conditions for the User to receive information and consulting services for the selected training program/course.

4.1.2. Ensure compliance with the schedule of online lessons. If, due to the fault of the Contractor, the provision of the service is impossible within the prescribed period, the Contractor undertakes to conduct the lesson in another period, which notifies the User in the Personal Account.

4.1.3. To maintain the confidentiality of information (including personal data) received from the User, not to transfer it to third parties without the User's consent.

4.1.4. To make all reasonable efforts for the proper provision of the Service, but the Contractor is not responsible for the inability to provide the Service in the event of:

1. technological failures of public communication channels or loss of access to the Internet-until the troubleshooting or restoration of access, respectively;

2. the presence of signs of unauthorized access to the User's Personal Account - for the duration of such circumstances;

3. in cases falling under the definition of force majeure circumstances - for the duration of such circumstances.

4.2. The Contractor has the right to:

4.2.1. At its sole discretion, change or delete any information published on the Site, change the schedule of online lessons.

4.2.2. Set any restrictions on the use of the Site, change this Offer unilaterally at any time, without obtaining the User's consent;

- to send messages to Users containing organizational, technical or other information about the Site's capabilities;

- if necessary, involve third parties to provide Services and ensure the operation of the Site;

- update the content, functionality and user interface of the Site at any time at its sole discretion;

- suspend the operation of the Site for carrying out the necessary planned preventive and repair work on the technical resources of the Contractor, as well as unscheduled work in emergency situations.

4.2.3. Use the works performed by the User within the framework of the Training Course as a demonstration of the student's works on their Internet resources and printed promotional materials.

4.2.4. Inform the Customer about their special offers, as well as about the offers of their partners.

4.3. The User is obliged to:

4.3.1. Pay for the services in accordance with the terms of the Offer.

4.3.2. Adhere to the established schedule of online lessons.

4.3.3. If within the framework of the Training course it is expected to perform the training tasks of the Contractor, perform them accurately and within the time specified by the Contractor when submitting the task.

4.3.4. When registering, provide the Contractor with complete and reliable information about yourself, including: surname, first name, patronymic; date of birth; information about e-mail, contact phone number, other information specified as mandatory in the Application form for receiving the Service.

4.3.5. Immediately notify the Contractor of any cases of access to the Personal Account by third parties under the User account.

4.3.6. In case of missing an online lesson, webinar or master group for reasons beyond the control of the Performer, the User cannot demand that the lesson be repeated or that information from the missed lesson be communicated to him in any other way. In this case, the services are considered rendered.

4.4. The User has the right to:

4.4.1. Use the Service in accordance with this Offer.

4.4.2. Stop using the Site and cancel the account created by it.

4.4.3. During the online lessons, ask questions related to the content of the lesson using the capabilities of the Personal Account.

4.4.4. Apply to the Contractor with a written application for the postponement of the terms of the provision of services with the attachment of documents confirming the impossibility of receiving the service within 5 days from the start of the provision of services.


5.1. When using the Site, the User is prohibited from downloading, storing, publishing, distributing and providing access or otherwise using any information that:

- contains threats, discredits, insults, discredits the honor and dignity or business reputation or violates the privacy of other users or third parties;

- violates the rights of minors;

- is vulgar or obscene, contains obscene language, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature;

- contains scenes of violence or inhumane treatment of animals;

- contains a description of the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it;

- promotes and / or promotes incitement to racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, promotes fascism or the ideology of racial superiority;

- contains extremist materials;

- promotes criminal activity or contains tips, instructions or guidelines for committing criminal acts;

- contains restricted access information, including, but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about the private life of third parties;

- contains ads;

- is fraudulent in nature;

- is the intellectual property of third parties who did not give permission to the User to use it, and also violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or the requirements of the legislation of the United Arab Emirates.


6.1. All objects posted on the Site, including, but not limited to: informational materials, video lessons, assignments, competition materials, graphic images and other materials are the objects of the exclusive rights of the Performer.

6.2. No Content may be copied (reproduced), processed, distributed, published, downloaded, transmitted, sold or otherwise used in whole or in part without the prior permission of the copyright holder.

6.3. The User's use of the Content, access to which is obtained exclusively for personal non – commercial use, is allowed provided that all authorship marks - © (copyrights) or other notices of authorship are preserved, the author's name is preserved unchanged, the work is preserved unchanged.

6.4. In case of violation of the terms of use of the Site by the User, the Contractor has the right to block this User's access to the Site, while this User does not have the right to refund the funds transferred to the Contractor.

6.5. The User has no right to record, copy, sell, resell, or use in any way for any commercial purposes online lessons, webinars and master groups conducted under this Agreement. The services are provided for the personal use of the User. The User undertakes not to transfer access to his Personal Account to third parties without the special permission of the Contractor. In case of violation of this condition, penalties in the amount of 50,000 (fifty thousand) dirhams will be applied to the User.


7.1. The Parties are responsible for non-performance or improper performance of this Agreement in the manner provided for by this.

7.2. The Contractor is not responsible if the User's expectations about the content and quality of the services provided were not justified.

7.3. When paying for the services, the user is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided about himself, and also confirms that he has read and agrees to the terms of this Agreement.

7.4. The Contractor reserves the right to refuse to provide Services in case of non-receipt of funds to the Contractor's current account within the terms specified in section 2 of the Agreement. In this case, the User's access to the Personal Account is suspended until the payment is received.

7.5. All disputes and disagreements are resolved by the Parties through negotiations in compliance with the claims procedure for dispute settlement. Claims are sent in writing to the postal addresses of the parties. All claims must be considered within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of their receipt by the party. Disputes on which the Parties do not reach an agreement are subject to consideration in court in accordance with the current legislation of the United Arab Emirates.

7.6. The Contractor is not responsible for any technical failures or other problems of the Internet network, computer systems, servers or providers, software, failures of email services or scripts for technical reasons.

7.7. The Contractor has the right to close access to the User's Personal Account in case of violation of the payment schedule for the course chosen by the User for more than 3 (Three) calendar days. In this case, the Contractor will not refund the funds previously transferred to the course payment account.

7.8. The Contractor has the right to close the User's access to the Personal Account without a refund in case of violation of the rules of conduct by the User at an online lesson, webinar, namely: inciting interethnic conflicts, distracting participants from the topic of the webinar, spam, advertising, obscene statements, rudeness, insulting the host or other participants of the webinar.

7.9. If the User cancels the Training Course or Training Session paid for by the User at the initiative of the Contractor, the User can use one of the following options:

7.9.1. Return the money spent on paying for the Training course or Training session.

7.9.2. Take part in another Training Course or Training Session of the Agreement of an equivalent cost, or of a higher or lower cost with an appropriate surcharge or a refund of overpaid funds.

7.10.From the moment of making the first payment for services, the User is provided with 14 (Fourteen) calendar days to test the Personal Account and familiarize himself with the selected course/training program by viewing preliminary lessons. If during this time the User is not satisfied with the content or quality of the service, the Contractor, at the written request of the User, is obliged to return all the funds transferred to him, minus bank commissions and commissions of payment systems.

7.11. After the expiration of the period specified in clause 7.10, this guarantee ceases to be valid and the User has no right to demand a refund for these reasons.

7.12. By purchasing the «Video Lessons» Package, the User has the right to cancel the service at any time, provided that the Contractor is reimbursed for the cost of the services already rendered. In this case, the refund is made based on the completed training weeks of the course. The funds will not be refunded for the academic weeks that the User has previously been granted access to, and for the current academic week.

7.13. By purchasing the «Video + Box» or «Fast Business» Package, the User has the right to cancel the service at any time, provided that the Contractor is reimbursed for the services already rendered. In this case, the refund is made based on the completed training weeks of the course. The funds will not be refunded for the training weeks that the User had access to earlier, for the current training week, as well as for the two weeks allotted for the Final Work.

7.14. The application for the refund of funds must be made in writing, it must be accompanied by: a copy of the User's passport, proof of payment for services.

7.15. The application is sent by e-mail it is considered by the Contractor within 10 (Ten) working days from the date of receipt of the written application. The funds are returned to the User within 10 (Ten) days from the date of receipt of the application using the same details from which the payment for Services was received, unless other details were specified in the Application by the User.

7.16. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, if this non-fulfillment was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the acceptance of the Agreement as a result of extraordinary events and circumstances unavoidable under these conditions, which the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures.

7.17. Force majeure circumstances include events that the Parties cannot influence and for the occurrence of which they are not responsible, such as: natural disasters, fires, social emergencies (war, mass riots, etc.), regulatory and non-normative acts of state and municipal authorities, other circumstances that directly affect the performance of the Agreement and make it impossible to fulfill the obligations of the Parties under this Agreement. In the event of the occurrence of these circumstances, the deadline for the Parties to fulfill their obligations is postponed for the time during which these circumstances will be valid.


8.1. The Contractor collects and processes the User's personal data for the following purposes:

- providing the Service to the User, fulfilling its obligations in accordance with this Agreement;

- prevention of damage to the life and health, property of the User;

- informing the User about the Contractor's services by sending e-mail messages.

8.2. When paying for the services, the User gives his consent to the processing of personal data to the extent necessary for the provision of the Service (including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), use, depersonalization, blocking, destruction), as well as to the transfer of personal data to third parties - only in cases where it is necessary to ensure the legal rights of the User, as well as in cases established by current legislation.

8.3. The Contractor undertakes to maintain confidentiality with respect to the personal data provided by the User, to prevent attempts of unauthorized use of personal data by third parties, to exclude access by persons who are not directly related to the execution of the terms of the Public Agreement.

8.4. The User's consent to the processing of personal data may be revoked at any time.


9.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment the User accepts the Agreement and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

9.2. The User agrees that changes to this Agreement can be made by the Contractor unilaterally without prior agreement with the User.

9.3. The Parties have agreed to transmit messages (including legally significant ones) by e-mail. The correspondence of the Parties or their representatives may be used as evidence.


ADDRESS: Office-251, Schon Business Park, DIP 1, DUBAI, UAE
TRN 100449387800003
License No. 875309

Account name: SD CEILINGS L.L.C.
Account No. AED: 1015770477801
IBAN: AE980260001015770477801
Bank name: Emirates NBD PJSC,
P.O. BOX : 777, Dubai, UAE
Routing Code: 302620122
MANAGER: Aliaksandr Haryn

Public user agreement for the conclusion of a contract for the provision of information and consulting services

July 01, 2021
SDceilings stretch ceilings system company
© SD CEILINGS 2021. All rights reserved.